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Discover our mountain

Fun never sleeps at our Sommets! Discover our winter activities and get ready for a warmer-than-ever cold season!

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What to do this winter

Action, outdoor fun, relaxation, laughter and pleasure... an infinite array of activities for the whole family. Discover THE best recreation and tourism destination in the Laurentians and in Outaouais.

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Plan your visit

Fill up on fresh air! From tubing to downhill skiing and snowboarding, from the SnoPrk to snowshoe trails, winter in our Sommets is guaranteed fun! Plan your next visit now!

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Reaching new heights with 1001 job offers

Whether you’re looking for a job that’s permanent or seasonal, full-time or part-time, working with the public or more technical, les Sommets offers you a wide range of possibilities – and always a unique experience.


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Interested by our Snow School?

Your safety

is important

At les Sommets, the safety of our customers is our top priority, as it is the foundation of the skiing experience we offer you. We are committed to providing a safe environment where everyone can enjoy skiing to the full. By ensuring the safety of our slopes, the training of our staff and the rigorous maintenance of our equipment, we create an environment where fun and safety go hand in hand.

Follow the Mountain

Code of Conduct


In order to ensure a harmonious coexistence and to reduce the risk of injury, respect the Code! Whether you're snowboarding or skiing, on the slopes or in the snowpark, respect the code! And respect the other rules in force at our resorts. Our ski patrollers are here to help you comply. Failure to do so may result in the confiscation of your lift ticket.


For a pleasant outing

Before you hit the slopes, check out the trail map*. You'll find information on trail difficulty, the first-aid room, etc.


*Available on the board between the chalet and the trails.


See the Sommets maps:

Saint-Sauveur | Avila | Gabriel | Morin Heights | Olympia | Edelweiss

Levels of difficulty and module sizes

Use trails and modules that suit your skill level.


School slope (Intro-plus zone) = Introduction to snow sports
Green slope = easy
Blue slope = difficult
Black slope = very difficult
Double black slope = extreme

Safety in the snow park

In the snow park, you must:

  • Do a reconnaissance tour
  • Observe signage
  • Wear a helmet if using the modules


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Use the lifts safely


Take the time to familiarize yourself with the lifts for a safe and enjoyable experience. Always follow safety guidelines, listen to the staff, and ride with caution. By following these simple steps, you'll get the most out of your time in the mountains while keeping everyone safe.



Sommet Gabriel Jeunes Ski Hiver Tbar

Do you know how to use the T-Bar?

Prolong happiness