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Fun never sleeps at our Sommets! Discover our winter activities and get ready for a warmer-than-ever cold season!

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What to do this winter

Action, outdoor fun, relaxation, laughter and pleasure... an infinite array of activities for the whole family. Discover THE best recreation and tourism destination in the Laurentians and in Outaouais.

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Fill up on fresh air! From tubing to downhill skiing and snowboarding, from the SnoPrk to snowshoe trails, winter in our Sommets is guaranteed fun! Plan your next visit now!

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Interested by our Snow School?
Home Page / Jobs / les Sommets Snow School

Pour l'amour du


Teaching skiing or snowboarding combines passion, human relations, professional satisfaction and an exceptional working environment. A motivating and stimulating job, a team of outstanding instructors and an enchanting working environment... that's what being an instructor is all about!


Being an instructor


It is teaching skiing or snowboarding mainly to children aged 3 to 12 years old, welcoming the children and informing their parents, supervising your students in a safe manner and following the mountain safety code, completing the student monitoring sheet, being dynamic and to communicate clearly and be respectful of the company's rules.


An instructor's journey


On average, our instructors will teach anywhere between 3 and 5 years on our mountains. It is the perfect job for high school, college and university students. Many instructors have been with us for over 10 years. It's the perfect mix of people with impressive careers, retirees and students, all united with the same goal of sharing their passion by teaching snow sports!


Perks of being an instructor


A competitive salary and a ton of benefits such as trainings, activities, a uniform, season pass and above all, an unforgettable experience! Working on the slopes and sharing your passion, being part of the largest snow school in the province and many advancement opportunities for those who want to get involved!

Important dates to remember



November 1, 2024


  • Deadline for completing and submitting your offer of services (for candidates who were unable to attend the welcome day on October 12)


November 2, 2024


  • Information session at Sommet Morin Heights (for candidates who were unable to attend the welcome day on October 12)


November 9 or 10, 2024


  • Upon confirmation of your hiring, your Snow School Director will invite you to a training workshop meeting to be held on November 9 or 10. Your attendance is mandatory, even if you already have a valid certification level.


November 30 and  December 1-7-8, 2024


  • We are offering free Level 1 preparatory training on November 30 and December 1-7-8. Access tickets are included, so we recommend that you do not purchase a season pass until you have completed your Level 1 training. The number of training days may vary depending on individual experience.


December 14-15-21-22, 2024


  • Level 1 certification for skiers and snowboarders at Sommet Morin Heights


December 22, 2024


  • 1-day exam option (prerequisite) for snowboarders at Sommet Morin Heights


December 27 to 30, 2024


  • Level 1 certification for skiers and snowboarders at Sommet Morin Heights (for candidates who could not attend the dates offered above) and at Sommet Edelweiss .


December 30, 2024


  • 1-day exam option (prerequisite) for snowboarders (at Sommet Morin Heights and at Sommet Edelweiss) (for candidates who could not attend the dates offered above).


January 11, 2025


  • Start of the Snow School Programs




Information session


After the information session, your next step will be a training workshop on November 9 or 10. Your Snow School Director will assign you to one of the two days and you will receive an email invitation. We also offer free Level 1 preparation training, which is highly recommended, on the following dates November 30 and December 1-7-8. The number of training days may vary depending on your individual experience.


Training workshop


The Training Workshop is mandatory for all new instructors, including those who are already certified. This meeting is essential to get to know your director, the daily operations of the Snow School and the specifics.


Level 1 certification


Skiers & Snowboarders | The mandatory training to obtain Level 1 (on snow) will take place on December 14, 15, 21 and 22, 2024* for Laurentians candidates. After this training and meeting the Level 1 criteria, you will be certified and can start your career as an instructor. *For candidates who are unable to attend these dates or for Outaouais candidates, it will be possible to complete the training on December 27, 28, 29 and 30, 2024.

Offer of services



Below are the steps to follow to complete the offer of services. The description of the steps can be found under the photos, in the gray box.



Once you have noted the steps to follow illustrated in the photos below, you can complete the offer of services by following this link.

1 Pour Appliquer Renseignements Personnels EN

Step 1 | Complete all fields marked with an asterisk

2 J'ai Travaillé Pour Les Sommets...EN

Step 2 | Leave this field blank

3 Laurentides Vs Outaouais EN

Step 3 | Select the Region that applies to where you want to work

4 Documents À Joindre EN

Skip this section

5 Ski, Planche, Parc EN

Step 5 | Indicate whether you would like to teach skiing or snowboarding, or both

6 Bien Lire EN

Step 6 | Please read the following carefully

7 Sommet Souhaité EN

Step 7 | Select the Sommets mountain where you want to teach


Step 8 | Beforehand, establish the days you are offering to be in service, taking into account your previous engagements (sports team, school calendar…).

9 Statut EN

Step 9 | Count the days you offer your services and then check one of the 7 boxes according to your situation.

10 Ajouter Des Dates EN

Step 10 | After selecting one of the 7 options, take a final look at the calendar and add/remove dates as needed.

11 Choix 2 Et 3 EN

Step 11 | Don't forget to select Sommet 2 and Sommet 3 as the ski hills where you would like to work (MANDATORY).

12 Soumettre Ma Candidature EN

Step 12 | All that remains is to send your application by pressing the green button. Congratulations, your offer of services has been sent and we will contact you before November 1st, 2024.

Level 1 Certification | Ski



See below for details of this certification.


Level 1 Certification | Snowboard



See below for details of this certification.


Les Sommets Snow School is also...



Six directors, each more passionate than the next! Always on the lookout for new projects, new passions and people to share them with! Hoping that this little flame will continue to shine for a long time, because we need passionate people in a world like ours!


Darryl Craig


Sommet Saint-Sauveur Snow School Director



Yannick Brosseau


Sommet Olympia Snow School Director


Émilie Mongeon


Sommet Saint-Sauveur versant Avila Snow School Director


Arthur De Pierre


Sommet Morin Heights Snow School Director


Dominique Gattuso


Sommet Gabriel Snow School Director



Stéphane Barry


Sommet Edelweiss Snow School Director


What makes us better.

The quiz



In order to complete your hiring for the 2024-2025 season, and after your training workshop on November 9 and 10, 2024, you will need to complete the quiz on the operating rules of our snow schools.


To take the quiz:

  • Select tab École.

  • The password to get access is: lessommets.

  • Then please read the operating rules in the document entitled The Guide which can be found in the red box on the right.

  • Finally click on The Quiz in the red box to assess your understanding of the operating rules. The password is hiver2025.


Complete the quiz with a minimum score of 80% to succeed. In the event that you do not succeed, your Snow School Director will contact you at the beginning of the season, but this will not affect your rehiring.

Once your questionnaire has been completed, your hiring will be final and you will be able to receive your employee pass on your first ski day at Sommet Saint-Sauveur or Sommet Edelweiss.

The employee

referral program



The program is designed to recognize and thank the contributions of each of our employees by referring qualified candidates who fit our culture.



How it works


The new candidate must provide the name of the referrer (the employee who referred them) in the "Referral program" section at the bottom of the online application form.


Maximum one referral per application; however, an employee may refer more than one candidate.





For helping us find the best talent, the employee who refers a candidate will receive a Les Sommets gift card up to $250:

  • $50 for referring a part-time seasonal position (less than 32 hours/week)

  • $100 for referrals related to a full-time seasonal position (32 hours/week or more)

  • $250 for referring a full-time, year-round position


Certain conditions apply.

As a

les Sommets employee



We invite you to visit our home page for employees.



You will find a ton of relevant information to get to know your work place as well as company policies. 



Please note that some sections may not apply to you as an instructor.




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Contact Snow school



7/7, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
655, Louis-Dufour Rd, QC, Canada, J0R 1R3