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Fun never sleeps at our Sommets! Discover our winter activities and get ready for a warmer-than-ever cold season!

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What to do this winter

Action, outdoor fun, relaxation, laughter and pleasure... an infinite array of activities for the whole family. Discover THE best recreation and tourism destination in the Laurentians and in Outaouais.

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Plan your visit

Fill up on fresh air! From tubing to downhill skiing and snowboarding, from the SnoPrk to snowshoe trails, winter in our Sommets is guaranteed fun! Plan your next visit now!

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Reaching new heights with 1001 job offers

Whether you’re looking for a job that’s permanent or seasonal, full-time or part-time, working with the public or more technical, les Sommets offers you a wide range of possibilities – and always a unique experience.


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Interested by our Snow School?
Home Page / Event calendar / The Corporate Ski Challenge

The "Défis Ski Affaire"

Versant Avila
calendar_today January 22 and 29, February 12 and 26, 2025
Sommet Saint-Sauveur Sommet Saint-Sauveur
Sommet Saint-Sauveur, versant Avila Sommet Saint-Sauveur, versant Avila
sommet saint sauveur versant avila defis Ski Affaire evenement hiver

Are you a

team captain?

Register your team by

filling in the following form.



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Participating at the

"Défis Ski Affaire"?

Buy your ticket now

for the event.



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The "Défis Ski Affaire" is back!


4 Wednesday nights where your corporate team will have the opportunity to face off with others during a friendly ski or snowboarding race, followed by an evening of games at our bistro-bar Jack Rabbit at Sommet Saint-Sauveur’s versant Avila.


Each evening will be designed around a theme that your team may represent during these unique corporate events.


Dates of the challenges:

  • January 22, 2025: Theme "Retro"
  • January 29, 2025: Theme "Olympic sports"
  • February 12, 2025: Theme "Disney"
  • February 26, 2025 (reported): Theme "colors of your Business"